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  • Belinda Paulicin, DSW, LCSW

Focus For A Clear Vision

We all possess a vision which drives our hopes, aspirations, and desires. This vision serves as the compass that guides us in our life’s journey, makes the journey worthwhile, makes us unique, and gives our life purpose. As we move through life, we will inevitably encounter challenges along the way; some of these challenges will appear out of the blue and will test our commitment to our vision. It is at that very moment, when we are challenged, that we need to remain focused on our vision and not give in to life’s attempts to take us off our game.

We face a reality in this modern era, whereby, it is difficult to construct a vision. There are so many distractions and so much noise around us. We are bombarded by television, radio, social media, busy highways, and bustling streets that compete for our focus and attention and keep us from taking in our present moment experiences. These distractions are like an omnipresent mist that compromises our sight and senses and leaves us bewildered. The result is that we have become myopic and have lost the ability to see the larger picture.

We also experience information overload. We are overwhelmed by the deluge of available information, and with the advent of “fake news,” we are often left confused, not always knowing if the information given to us is the truth. So, we continue searching for answers. We spend hours on Google, and other search engines, seeking all manner of information. . .like, the meaning of a name, what is trending on Twitter and Facebook, what is happening in politics and in the world, what are the latest social trends. We also do things like self-diagnose on medical websites. In addition to all the information available to us online, at the touch of a few strokes of the keyboard, we have access to talk radio and cable news; they provide us access to information 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in whatever point of view we prefer -- liberal, conservative, and independent.

It is therefore not surprising to see that many people are without a focus. This is true for people of all ages and backgrounds. Many people don’t know what to do with all this information. They have no idea how to make sense of all the data they have, and how to use it to create a vision for their lives. Information overload is a real issue. It can leave one feel drained and depleted of any creative energy. In addition, the distraction caused by this torrent of information is resulting in a lack of focus and attention. Seeing just how much potential everyone possesses, we are wasting much-needed talents by allowing ourselves to be blinded by distractions. Here’s a simple solution: focus on the information necessary for your vision to come to fruition.

As humans, we have been blessed with infinite potential and capabilities to achieve whatever we set our minds to. History is filled with unbelievable examples where people beat the odds and achieved what everyone else, at one point, considered impossible. We can achieve more than we think we can. We owe it to ourselves to dream, focus on the dream, and take the steps to make that dream a reality. Dreaming is a gift that opens the mind to possibilities. In order to sustain your dream, be present with your surroundings with gratitude for what is and what will be, be accepting and hopeful. And if you’re wondering how can we effectively come up with a crystal-clear vision for life? Tap into the power that has helped countless people live out their vision. That force is focus.

The painting in this picture is called Hanna's Hope. It sits on my wall a a reminder of my Why.
Hanna's Hope by Jason DeLancey. A reminder of my Why

Get clear about your vision

and stay focused.

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